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CUA co-founder Dr. Scott White was inducted posthumously to the Missouri S&T Academy of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers on October 11, 2018.
CUA has transitioned to our own combined office/laboratory space and has moved from our M2 location!
Read more about Professor Scott R. White.
CUA has purchased its own 10,000 s.f. building for office and laboratory operations in northwest Champaign, IL. The big move is slated for later this summer.
Dawn Haken, a junior in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is the student team lead for the IlliniSat 2 bus which is being used for the CU Aerospace CubeSail mission.
CU Aerospace President, David Carroll, is featured in a News-Gazette article titled, "The Big 10 with Jeff D'Alessio: Oct. 29, 2017."
CU Aerospace co-founder Victoria Coverstone is quoted in Planetary Society's solar sailing mission update overview.
CU Aerospace technology - Propulsion Unit for CubeSats (PUC) - is discussed in Aerospace America article.
CU Aerospace is pleased to announce Joseph Zimmerman as a new junior partner of the company.