"Analysis of Fiber-Fed Pulsed Plasma Thruster Performance"
“Space 2.0” and the Problem of Orbital Debris
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The article "NASA Invests $51 Million in Small Business Contracts" highlights CU Aerospace SBIR award and plasma sterilizer technology.
Practical Applications for Emerging Plasma-Assisted Combustion Technology
CUA received 3 NASA Phase I SBIR Awards
CU Aerospace is featured in an article "CU Aerospace: Revolutionizing Satellite Technology" in the Innovation News Network's The Innovation Platform Issue 2.
CU Aerospace has been awarded a NASA Phase 2 STTR program entitled "Scalable and Distributed Inertial Navigation Systems."
The CUA/UIUC team was recently awarded $1.7 million in new funding from NASA to work on another CubeSat project, the DUPLEX mission.
CUA has been selected by NASA as one of 14 American companies as partners whose Tipping Point technologies will help enable the agency's Moon to Mars exploration approach.